Shah Rukh Khan, the iconic Bollywood star, is set to make a triumphant return to the silver screen with "King," directed by Sujoy Ghosh. This film holds special significance as it marks the big-screen debut of Khan's daughter, Suhana Khan. Currently in the pre-production phase, "King" is poised to be a mega-budget action extravaganza, with a reported budget of Rs. 200 crores.
According to exclusive insights, "King" is not just any action film—it's a bold and gritty venture that has been planned for over a year. The team, led by Sujoy Ghosh and producer Siddharth Anand, is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that SRK's return is nothing short of spectacular. Red Chillies Entertainment, known for its high-quality productions, is sparing no effort to orchestrate a grand debut for Suhana Khan.
An insider revealed to Bollywood Hungama,
"King is an ambitious action film, unlike anyone's imagination. The team has been working on the pre-production for the last one year to ensure that all aspects are covered in the right way - from script, to scale and action."
Adding to the anticipation, Siddharth Anand is in discussions with renowned stunt directors from the West to elevate the film's action sequences to global standards.
"Siddharth Anand thinks internationally, and with SRK, he wants to make a global action thriller,"
the source disclosed.
The film's action is being crafted as a fusion of real stunts and cutting-edge VFX enhancements, promising an adrenaline-pumping experience for the audience.
Filming for "King" is scheduled to commence in May, spanning a period of five months, with a targeted release in the second half of 2025. This announcement has generated immense excitement among fans and industry insiders alike, heralding the return of Shah Rukh Khan in a cinematic spectacle that promises to redefine the action genre in Indian cinema.